It looks like its going up not down. Am I reading this wrong?
it is rather clear that the internet is to put it mildly, wrecking the world of the watchtower bible & tract society.
if not for foreign language i doubt there would be much growth at all.. digital trends and analytics are very real.
i live this analytics world i assure you to some degree you can take it to the bank.
It looks like its going up not down. Am I reading this wrong?
a former public elementary school teacher who is a jehovah’s witness has filed a lawsuit against the suburban detroit school district where she used to work because, she claims, school officials ordered her to organize a classroom valentine’s day party and then sacked her because she refused.. people who belong to the jehovah’s witnesses, a millenarian christian sect, do not celebrate valentine’s day.
thus, the teacher, yvonne lemmons, is suing for religious discrimination, reports michigan live.. the defendant in the lawsuit is the southfield public school district in southfield, mich.. lemmons, 56, says in her lawsuit that she had been a fourth-grade teacher at macarthur university academy, a public magnet school, for 10 years and had faced no issues concerning her religious beliefs prior to the valentine’s day party kerfuffle..
I love how some people read this article and go i think there is more to the story... based on what information?? I hope you find yourselves in a situation where everyone says there is more to the story and what did you do wrong. That's how people are these days letting their imaginations run wild with NO PROOF at all always trying to imply things with no evidence whatsoever. Its disgusting really.
Jw or no jw Schools should be worried about education and not wasting time and our money on all this other crap imho.
jw or no jw The school or anyone else should not force someone to do something against their religion.... end of story.
We do not know that the kids were sitting there all alone but we do know its highly freakin unlikely! The school should have and likely did make arrangements for the class. How do we know? The jw informed the school she wouldnt be participating in valentines day. Therefore, The school made other arrangements which IS NOT HARD TO DO for the students who were well taken care of I am sure. Its not hard to find a staff member to throw a valentines party. I dont give a flip about valentines day and dont see much purpose in children being part of this "romantic" holiday or helping our fat american children to become diabetics because of commercialism.
She was a teacher for many years and offered to help the school in other ways according to the article. If after so many years of dealing with holidays she was only just now fired it is most likely due to new administration that doesnt like her faith. I doubt she acted any differently then she did any of her many other years as a teacher regarding holidays.
there was a df of a mentally challenged young man he sexually assaulted a young girl.. in jesus day people were possessed by demons but we know today they had mental issues.. do you know of any cases where a mentally challenged person was df.. the case that i mention the young man was 18-20 years old and it was a case where he was.
functional, school, friends and was baptized.
i knew the family and if you didn't know he was a. typical teenager.. my question, if a mentally challenged person is able to answer the questions to qualify to be.
never mind im pms-ing
given: the prophecy is true.. what did jesus mean?
i have an app that alerts me of any earthquake all over the world.
since i got the app, it is one earthquake after another all over the world.
is it just me?
Atheists actively preach atheism.
(no one has to ask about atheism they just show up and preach where others are)
Atheists try to convert people to also believe in atheism.
Atheist even have gatherings and groups for fellow believers.
Atheists don't believe in god and yet they flood religious chat-rooms to try and convince those that do that there is no god.
Yes atheism may not mirror religion exactly but that's nothing more than a distraction from the fact they are actively proselytizing.
If you dont agree... to bad.
i intend for this to be one of a series of bite-sized ops on the evidence for evolution.. introduction to dna genes are sequences of dna made up of words (codons) each of which are three letters (bases) long.
there are only four letters in the genetic alphabet (acg&t) each word or codon is the recipe for one amino acid.
there are 20 different amino acids in living organisms.
i intend for this to be one of a series of bite-sized ops on the evidence for evolution.. introduction to dna genes are sequences of dna made up of words (codons) each of which are three letters (bases) long.
there are only four letters in the genetic alphabet (acg&t) each word or codon is the recipe for one amino acid.
there are 20 different amino acids in living organisms.
People are still trying to prove evolution. It still hasn't been proven .
If evolution were true there would be an abundance of evidence.
Instead of evolutionists saying look at this mountain of evidence they point us to the tiny grain of sand and hope that it might prove evolution but it never does.
In order to explain evolution it requires huge jumps and assumptions with no evidence or proof along with many words. It requires convincing .. to do this evolutionists try to convince you this took place over many many years .
There is no way that the human body said hey i need to build skin to hold everything in and bones to support everything and muscles to move everything and a brain to control everything but i need a heart to pump the blood and lungs to breathe and a liver to clean and joints so i can move, eyes so i can see and so on and so on. I would also have to create the human body perfect the first time or as we know we would die . It would have to create the whole human body at once. There is no way it knew what it needed and what it didnt need and how to use what it had available. In my opinion there is no way the human body came about by randomness or chance. just my opinion.
i intend for this to be one of a series of bite-sized ops on the evidence for evolution.. introduction to dna genes are sequences of dna made up of words (codons) each of which are three letters (bases) long.
there are only four letters in the genetic alphabet (acg&t) each word or codon is the recipe for one amino acid.
there are 20 different amino acids in living organisms.
Cofty, "Every living thing from fungi to humans developed through a combination of random mutation and natural selection"
The word "selection" makes me think choices were made. It selected what it needed and what it didn't need which makes me ask how did it know it needed anything at all? How did it know where to get it and what to do with it and how to connect it and why it needed it and so on and son on I dont see any random mutations I see uniformity among earths creatures such as eyes mouths stomachs waste systems etc. If i look at a snake for example I see fangs and venom glands and a venom distribution system perfectly designed for its body . I see structure and order in everything in nature. I do not see randomness I do not see living things with mistakes such as a deer with a gator tail or a mouse with giraffe legs I do not see things on animals that they dont need . I do not see randomness I do not believe that nature mutated randomly and built the human body by chance and randomness without making any decisions or mistakes. I am not as smart as you guys so I try to keep things simple and the more I learn about the human body the more I see no randomness and human beings could not have come about by chance but had to have been designed. just my opinion..
i intend for this to be one of a series of bite-sized ops on the evidence for evolution.. introduction to dna genes are sequences of dna made up of words (codons) each of which are three letters (bases) long.
there are only four letters in the genetic alphabet (acg&t) each word or codon is the recipe for one amino acid.
there are 20 different amino acids in living organisms.
Science still teaches evolution as a theory.... that is a fact!
I don't know how evolution knew what it needed to keep or make and what to discard. I dont know how it knew it needed skin and how to make it. I dont know how it knew it needed a skeletal structure and how to make and how to not make it wrong. I dont know how it knew it needed joints in those skeletal structures and where they needed to be and fluid sacs and so on. I dont know how it needed muscles to lift the bones and to stand and how to make these muscles which also require blood and a heart and lungs etc. I dont know how evolution knew it needed a respiratory system , a reproduction system, a nervous system, a circulatory system, a skeletal system, a digestive system, and how did it know what it needed and how to make it and then wire the whole body according to its needs.
Its easy to use big words.... Its also easy to say evolution found a way or figured it out. Its another thing to explain how evolution made choices of what it needed and didnt need. I mean either evolution knew exactly what it needed to build the human body and made no mistakes at all implying intelligent creation or evolution made mistakes and then made choices of how to fix them by discarding things it didn't need. How did evolution know when to stop evolving ?
The human body is perfect aside from old age and failing parts.
The entire human body from the very beginning at each step along its development begs the question how did nature know it needed anything at all?.... and how did it know what it needed?... How did it know where to put anything or connect anything ? How did it know what it didn't need? I have to go so hopefully this coherent enough lol